

We have a “no refund” policy on tickets.

SOLD OUT! – LAUGHFEST – TCP’s New Sketch Comedy Show! 3/8/25

The Comedy Project 540 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids

The Comedy Project is famous for their hilarious sketch comedy shows and this new show takes things to a wonderfully weird, new level!  This show will make you question who you really are, what you really believe and will also do a third, even more important thing!


LAUGHFEST Choose Your Own Improv Comedy Show 3/8/25

The Comedy Project 540 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids

YOU get to choose what happens! It’s like a live-action version of the classic “Choose Your Own…” books! (You know which ones we mean but we can’t say it cuz they sent us a cease and desist.)

Your participation as an audience member is not required, but highly encouraged!


LAUGHFEST Late-Night Comedy Lab 3/8/25

The Comedy Project 540 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids

The Comedy Lab is our micro theater and has only 25 seats. This 45-minute show will feature improv and sketch groups as well as guest spots from members of TCP’s Mainstage cast!
