Our sketch comedy writing classes focus on writing sketch comedy and are highly recommended for improvisors and actors as well. This is your chance to learn in a safe, supportive environment that challenges everyone to be better.
Level One: Students learn the fundamentals unique to sketch comedy writing through the review and critique of each other’s work as well as learning the technical aspects of script writing. There is a performance aspect to the class.
Level Two: Students build on their knowledge from Level One to “find their voice” and style. Much of the focus in Level Two will be on developing/collecting themes and ideas for scenes and the different theatrical forms available to approach the writing.
Level Three: Students are challenged to consider how their individual work fits into a full length show and learn to write towards the needs of a comprehensive show. The entire class will continue to refine their scripts through workshopping of their scenes. Individualized feedback is provided to challenge and grow the student’s range.
STUDENT BONUS: Effective immediately…your valid TCPTCP student ID will get you into any TCP show….FOR FREE!!!! (Not including outside acts, Grand Rapids Improv Festival, Laughfest, etc…) Comedy Outlet Mondays? – FREE! Friday night shows? – FREE! Saturday night shows? – FREE!